About Me
I came to sculpture late in life after a career as a magazine editor and art director. Now as a sculptor, I have taken my fascination with people and their lives and am exploring how personality and character can be read in faces, gesture, and posture. The effects of happiness and disappointment, age and gravity inexorably etch and pull on our faces and bodies and I love finding those visual markers that tell the story of a life.
Take a tour of my studio with me and see the show I set up for Burlington, Vermont’s annual Art Hop.
Part of the year I live in Oaxaca, Mexico where I am influenced by the vibrant Oaxacan culture of figurative ceramic sculpture, from its pre-Hispanic roots to contemporary times. I recently taught a sculpture class sponsored by the Ministry of Women to Oaxacan women who had been victims of domestic abuse. Read about it here. I also did a project in response to Alejandro Santiago’s amazing “Migrantes” installation in Oaxaca. I also do some teaching in Vermont, both classes and individually. See my work on Instagram: @rachel.sculpture.
“I explore how personality and character can be read in faces, gesture, and posture.”