Since I lost the piece ( see Before the Fall below) due to some flaw in my process, or the barro negro clay that I’d ever worked with, or the temperature, or just bad luck, I tried to do it again. Twice. Neither time did it turn out as well as the original. This reddish one below has been fired and surfaces treated. It is about half the size of the original and it is going to be shown in the Larimar Gallery this spring. Below is the one I’m working on here at home in Vermont. It is bigger, as big as the original. I”m using a stronger clay the can stand up on its own pretty well. It isn’t done yet, but it’s beginning to set so I won’t be able to do anything too dramatic now. I don’t want to just copy the original, even if I could. I want to get the feeling of the original, capture the sweeping masses, the strangeness of the heads. Not there yet.