The show at Dedalus was pretty cool, if I do say so myself. The venue is beautiful, the lighting was dramatic, and I freaking loaded the joint with sculpture. Here are some highlights.
Pan, part of my Greek god series.
The Minotaur, Dedalus, Pan.
Dedalus, who fashioned wings of feathers and wax for himself and his son Icarus to escape imprisonment. Didn’t work out so well for Icarus.
Archie the plumber. Yes, a real person. He fixed the pipes. I made a head.
The show is in a wine store so bottles everywhere.
Dionysus, god of wine, dripping with grapes.
The Minotaur, half man, half bull. Sad life for this creature, imprisoned in the Labyrinth.
Assortment: winemaker in Santa Barbara, dancer, guy in a twist, meditative gal.
Nymphs. They keep Dionysus company.
Cubist guy, small but cute. Made in Mexico with Zacateca clay.
Zacateca guy, Immigrante, all woman, nude with headdress.
A herd of peeps.
On the wall, for now anyway. One fell off and broke before the show opened. Farewell, ponytail girl.